Spazio Nobile celebrates Valentine’s Day with Extraordinary Bouquets by Paris-based floral artist Arturo Arita

— February, 13 2021

Spazio Nobile celebrates Valentine’s Day with Extraordinary Bouquets  

At the touch of love everyone becomes a poet. Plato

An artistic collaboration with Floral Artist Arturo Arita (portrait above)
around the Diatomée Molten Glass Vases by Garnier & Linker , an exclusive edition for Spazio Nobile

click below on the images to discover the bouquets and the vases 




The Diatomée Vases by Garnier & Linker are exclusively edited by Spazio Nobile. You can order them through Arturo Arita’s e-shop with or without a bouquet and discover the full collection at Spazio Nobile Gallery as part of Season XVI-The New Age of Humanism. The gallery is open from Tuesday to Saturday 11-18.00. Feel free to pass by rue Franz Merjay, 142 § 169 in Brussels or just take your appointment here

 Diatomée, Molten Glass Vases, 2019-, 28 x 10 x 10 cm by Garnier & Linker
standing on the marble chimneys at Spazio Nobile. Photo by Margaux Nieto


Garnier & Linker, Diatomée, an exclusive edition by Spazio Nobile. Diatomée Sculpture Vases appear like diatoms that are single-celled algae that live in houses made of glass. Inspired by these light-absorbing molecules which are the only organism on the planet with cell walls composed of transparent, opaline silica, they are ornamented by intricate and striking patterns of silica. On earth, diatoms are bringing us up to 50% of our oxygen and also feed the oceans, lakes and rivers. Read more about the collaboration with Arturo Arita

Waiting for you in the gallery window at Spazio Nobile Studiolo
169 rue Franz Merjay, Brussels


 Laura Laine, Love Study, 2019, Golden Glass Sculpture, hand blown glass by Emil Kovac and Aleš Vacek, silvered inside, cold cut and assembled, 132 x 35 x 51 cm. On the photo below: Subtle Bodies, Maison Louis Carré, arch. Alvar Aalto, Call to the Wild Exhibition, 2020. Photo Frederik Vercruysse, Finnish Cultural Institute to the Benelux

Spazio Nobile & Pro Materia curate TLmag

You can order or subscribe  TLmag 34 AH/AW 2020-21:
Précieux, Une Géologie de l’Être /Precious: A Geology of Being, Guest Editor: Amy Hilton.

Read stories and meet the artists and designers we represent with Spazio Nobile in TLmag Biannual Print Magazine and download it if you wish on your tablets. Mediakit & Biannual themes 2021 here 

Feel free to contact us: Lise Coirier, +32 (0)475 53 19 88 / Gian Giuseppe Simeone, +32 (0)477 27 29 04 / Salomé Elbaz, +33 (0)7 86 17 68 20