Season XV- Les ignorants, Lionel Jadot & Serge Leblon / opening during Brussels Gallery Weekend, 3-6 September 2020

— August, 06 2020

We are very pleased to invite you to Season XV- Les ignorants, Lionel Jadot & Serge Leblon, a duo exhibition, from 4 September until 8 November 2020, at Spazio Nobile, rue Franz Merjay 142, B-1050 Brussels, as part of Brussels Gallery Weekend (3-6 September 2020).


Vernissage Thursday 3rd September 2020, 18-22.00

Please book your visit here for our opening:

Sunday Brunch Performance on 6th September 2020, 10-19.00 in the framework of Brussels Gallery Weekend 

Please book here for the breakfast and the Sunday Brunch


Finissage, 8.11.2020, 12-4 pm


Download the invitation here

Download the catalogue here

Press & PR : Sophie Carrée

[email protected]

T. + 32 479 37 19 13,

Press room with visual press kit & material here