Brussels I Love You Contemporary Walk on Saturday 8 and Sunday brunch on 9 February, 12-18.00 

— February, 07 2020

Spazio Nobile is pleased to welcome you to Brussels I Love You Contemporary Walk (Bily) on Saturday 8 and Sunday 9 February 2020, from 12-18.00 within  Season XIII- Jörg Bräuer, Insel der Zeit 

– Chef’s Walk @Brussels I Love You Contempory Walk on Saturday 8 February, from 14.30-17.30.
Paul Ravet, Cul Sec, will be at the gallery to prepare and serve his appetizers.
Download here the full map of the parcours.

– Sunday Brunch on 9 February in presence of the artist Jörg Bräuer, from 12-18.00 as part of Bily.

The exhibition runs from 10 January until 8 March 2020, rue Franz Merjay 142, 1050 Brussels. Upcoming Finissage Brunch, on Sunday 8 March 2020, 12-16.00, in the framework of Collectible VIP Program.

Monoliths, Ceps and Icelandic landscapes. These collections of artworks by Jörg Bräuer stand as a poetic and abstract dialogue of textures, materials and perspectives on nature, and reveal how humans stand in relation to time and space. Download here the full catalogue. Prices are on request.

Jörg Bräuer, Texture du Temps, limited edition including all the quotes engraved on the Monoliths around the theme of Time, 56 p, numbered and signed by the artist, 1/150, ed. the artist & Spazio Nobile. Price: 20 € (excluding shipping). Order here your copy.